web developer

Building anything from simple websites to fullstack apps.

Let’s talk about what you need for your online business.


Hello there, I am a UK based freelance web developer providing functional desktop and mobile friendly responsive websites.

Here's what you can expect hiring me as your developer:


Client Work Oct 2019 - present (ongoing updates)

Square Circle

Freelance project implementing a bespoke design. The primary challenges on this project were a large number of high quality images loading in reasonable time and having future image uploads managed without a developer.

Choosing the Cloudinary API allowed images to be transformed into the latest web compression formats (e.g. webp) at multiple resolutions, the most appropriate resolution is then requested dependent on the users screen size.

The result: a lighter and faster website allowing users to reach their desired content in less time. See the github for a few examples.


  • html (via ejs templating)
  • css
  • javascript
  • node.js + express
  • mongodb
  • cloudinary api
Personal Project July 6th - 17th 2019

PRNT E-commerce Mockup

Refactoring a mock e-commerce app built from "The Modern Javascript Bootcamp" 2019. The purpose of the extension was to solidfy use of HTML/CSS features including flex-box and grid.

The changes made in this repo update the HTML and CSS to use a mobile first responsive design, they are a first draft toward a more unique e-commerce store. This required additional routes in the node backend as well as client-side javascript such as filtering images pulled from a database.

The app itself was built alongside a curriculum which included use of promises/asynchronus javascript, connecting to + parsing responses from API's, command line tools, javascript classes, authentication and form validation.


  • html
  • css
  • javascript
  • node.js + express
Personal Project July 23rd - 28th 2020

Personal Portfolio V1

This site is built using a node.js backend with Tailwind CSS classes styling each element. Some simple javascript is used to animate various elements.

Tailwind is a lower level css framework which adds more intuitive classes to the HTML but requires almost no custom CSS, no naming of custom classes, no context switching and therefore easily reusable modular site components.

I chose Tailwind because it prevents a large and hard to navigate css file which takes more time to work in, leads to hard to find conflicts and uneccessary css overwrites.

It is used here as a plugin through POSTcss which includes useful tools like auto-prefixer (increasing browser compatability) and purgeCSS (reducing Tailwinds final build size to < 10kb.)

To deploy I use Nginx as a reverse proxy on a linux server. This has given me familiarity with command line tools, process managers and SSL certificates.


  • html
  • tailwind css
  • post-css
  • javascript
  • node.js + express
  • nginx

It's this website <<

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